
My big thing today was working on the new Singer Quantum 9920. I am a little intimidated by it, but so far it’s been smooth sailing. I am starting with a good beginner pattern. It’s a super fitted Byron Lars shirt that has darts and a giant floppy collar and like 8 billion little pieces that make up the back that are all topstitched. Good beginner stuff. It may come out god-awful, but I am getting whipped back into shape. BTW…that ravel-y fabric? Linen. Good beginner choice.
crap stitching

I am out of practice, but it comes back so fast. I was born to do this stuff. In an alternate universe I just won project runway. I may not have mad skills, but at least I know where boobs go. (Santino, you fraud!)

In this universe I have to finish cleaning out the luggage I took to Chicago. In January. Exploding daquiri shampoo. Then I have to finish laundry. And taking out the trash.


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