There are some things here that I do not like. I am staying in a neighborhood full of Trixies and Chads and they are lame and they seem to think I am homeless because I wear a backpack. They look away when I walk down the street. Like they are afraid I will bite or ask for forty-five cents.
The other thing I don’t especially care for is the standing around all the time. I think they should install people movers in all the museums. They should have a fast lane and an express lane. That way a huge family from India can’t totally dominate every case in the Pompeii exhibit and make me think xenophobia is appropriate at the museum because I have been slighted by TWO alien cultures in big ol’ museums. (A French couple freaked me out at the Van Gogh museum. I am very sensitive when I feel transcendentally converted to spirit.)
The other bad thing about this vacation is that unlike NY and Amsterdam, Chicago and the midwest seem to have turned off the brain a bit.
Chronic stupidness, irritation and sketchiness aside, I am thinking this vacation will be pretty good. I went to the Field and saw some stuffed animals. Thinking taxidermy rocks. Today I had a pizza with mashed potatoes on it. Excellent. Had some real deli food today. Eat a green one, Marc Katz.
Tomorrow’s spreadsheet indicates a jaunt to the Shedd Aquarium and the Adler Planatarium. I am stacking up the attractions so we get all the good stuff at the end of the trip. I am crafty like that. Speaking of crafty – got an i-cord thingie and a knitting bag. I kick butt. Then I will go have dinner with Teena Teena. Very excited about that.
More posts soon. The Darling Husband is all like “blah blah blah pics.” You should be abel to see them soon. I am super cute right now.